martes, 27 de julio de 2010


1/6 Sookie Stackhouse head from TRUE BLOOD serie

martes, 20 de julio de 2010

Ghost Dog & Rashomon

This is one of my favourite movies, Rashomon by Akira Kurosawa. The basic plot is simple to tell. A bandit lures a couple into a thick grove. He overpowers the husband (a samurai), ties him up, and rapes the wife in front of him. The husband is subsequently killed and the bandit is arrested. The husband´s body is found bay a woodcutter. The wife and the couple´s horse disappears. Subsequently all involved in the events narrate their different and incompatible versions of the story.
The arrested bandit and the woodcutter give their testimonies a High Police Commissioner. The wife re-appears in a temple to confess her version to a monk. Even the dead husband is called to give evidence through a medium. As the diferent versions of the events are heard it becomes clear that they are al incompatible and yet they have one point in common:all the characters, except the woodcutter, claim to have killed the husband. Even the husband claims to having killed himself.

Ghost Dog with his Rashomon book.

"Gime Me My Book"

"Amigos para siempre"

Mad Max: Beyond The Thunderdome

This is my last 1/6 head sculpt. Mel Gibson from Beyond The Thunderdome.

The figure dresses a leather suit

I made the shotgun of iron and wood, and all the belts

domingo, 11 de julio de 2010

From The Morgue: Corrupted Zombie

1/6 Zombie Head inspired by "The Walking Dead" comic-book